More Than $2 Million Available to Expand New York’s Hiking Trails
With Memorial Day this Monday marking the unofficial beginning of summer, your thoughts may be turning towards vacations, weekend getaways, or even just getting out of your routine and spending more time outdoors this summer.
If walking or hiking is among your interests, than the announcement today from New York Governor Cuomo is good news. According to the Office of the Governor, $2 million will be made available for funding projects to improve and, in some cases, expand hiking trails and outdoor recreational areas throughout the state.
While some of these projects will take place in New York City, the Finger Lakes, Central and Western New York, as well as the North Country, the Hudson Valley will see the bulk of the projects.
Included on the list, is the Rockefeller State Park Preserve, the Harlem Rail Trail, Hudson Highlands State Park, and Taconic Region State Parks. Improvements will include rehabilitation of portions of older trails, bike trail maintenance, trail accessibility, and others.
New York has so many beautiful trails and outdoor spaces, here's to a great summer exploring as many as you can.